
TheTankers is on the way :)

Hello! Today's quite a big day. In next few lines I'll tell you: about what's in team, about TheTankers premiere and about our website - so let's start.. :)

What's in the team then?

Couple of days ago we have had a meeting with the team responsible for the educational project we're also working on. The meeting went pretty well, next will take in about a week and will be about the look of final version of the secret program on which we'll start working after releasing TheTankers.

What's with TheTankers premiere and the website?

It'll take in about a week and the exact date is shown in the trailer which you'll find at the end of this news. The website was a little bit rebuilt and has now a counter to the premiere and is in two languages versions: English and Polish - next are on the way. See for yourself: http://ourgames.eu ! Plus! We created a new version of TheTankers website of which adress you'll be able to see in the trailer! : )

And here it is, enjoy!

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